Jazz Wear Incorporates Trends into Functional and Practical Dance Wear
Jazz wear has begun to take on a ?less is more? type of trend. Full-length jazz pants and even capri pants are not as ?in? as they used to be. ?Booty shorts?, or ?hot pants? as some may call them, are taking over in the world of jazz. It only makes sense to wear less clothing while dancing and getting sweaty. Dancers everywhere are wearing these short, tight shorts and pairing them with tops that are just as fitted.
Halter Tops
Halter tops have become very big in jazz wear. They are cute and stylish and also very good for bustline support. To make these tops even more stylish, rouching has become very popular on dance tops. All of the rouching and halter tops are beginning to make jazz wear look more like normal, everyday clothing. This season, the popular color for tops is blue. It is a beautiful color that everyone can pull off and will be seen more in the dance studios this fall.
Crystals are also a very big trend right now in jazz wear. There may be a few crystals spread out across a top or made to spell out dance. Crystals have even been done across the back of shorts or pants to spell out dance or other catchy, dance related words. Even ?booty shorts? are being detailed with crystals along the sides or across the top.
Lyrical Shoes Lately, lyrical shoes have become quite popular in the jazz dance circle. Many new styles have been created to give an even better illusion that the dancer is not wearing any shoes. These shoes are also becoming more comfortable for dancers and manufacturers are making them easier to stay on the feet. Though these shoes are not technically jazz shoes, dancers are still wearing them for jazz classes and sometimes even performances.
It is obvious that jazz wear has evolved into minimal coverage. Between the ?booty shorts?, fitted shirts, and lyrical shoes that make a dancer look barefoot, jazz dancers are showing more skin than ever before. The evolving trend to find comfort and style in today?s jazz wear while decreasing body coverage is definitely an interesting fashion movement to watch in the future.
Amber Heil has worked at Pampos Dance & Swim for over 4 years and has been a manager for over 3 years. With 16 years of ballet training, Heil is knowledgeable in other areas of ballet such as forecasting trends in ballet wear and how to find the right ballet shoe. She is currently studying marketing at Louisiana State University (LSU) and will graduate in December 2006.
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