Incorporate And Incorporation Services


Thursday, February 28, 2008

One Superfood You Should Incorporate In Your Life Today

It seems that everyone is jumping on the super foods and antioxidant bandwagon and why not - we all want to live a longer, healthier, and happier life. And super foods offer us that opportunity.

Why Super Foods. Super foods help reduce or eliminate the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are believed to play a role in more than 60 different diverse health issues.

A Super food is any food that has healing properties that lower disease risk and promote longevity. They are natural food sources that are highly concentrated with a complex supply of quality nutrients. Eating super foods daily is a natural way of combating the pollutants of the modern world and staying fit and healthy. There are also some super foods that have powerful anti aging properties in them that any man or woman concerned about warding off the effects of aging should pay attention to.

One of the best Super foods is the Acai (pronounced "ah-sigh-ee") Berry. It is a newly discovered fruit with amazing antioxidant properties. It is rich in antioxidants - the acai berry has three times the amount of antioxidants as blueberries. Acai berries are considered nature's perfect food. This superfood is nutrition in its simplest and most complete form.

The Acai Berry is grown primarily in Central and South America. It is quickly taking over blenders as the new superfood of choice. It was recently listed By Oprah's Health Advisor Dr. Nicholas Perricone as the number one super food on the Oprah Winfrey Show for its age-defying beauty qualities. The Acai berry is an important superfood because it takes care of your cardiovascular system, and it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

With all these powerful benefits it's no wonder that the Acai has been referred to as the world's number one superfood, the amazon's Viagra, and the next big workout cocktail.

Where can you buy it? It can often be found in juice form in health food and gourmet stores such as Whole Foods. Or you can buy packages of the berry by themselves as well.

How should you eat it? You can eat the berries as a snack throughout the day or you can also mix acai juice in a blender with other powerful super foods like strawberries, bananas, and blueberries for a delicious smoothie. You can also add some berries to your favorite oatmeal or cereal for breakfast. You can also take nutritional supplements with Acai Berry extract if you prefer. This is the least preferred method as you'll get the most health benefits from eating the fruit or drinking the juice.

Super foods are the perfection of Nature versus the folly of Man. They offer us a healthy way to fight off the effects of aging, prevent many diseases, and promote good health. Start adding super foods to your meals, especially the Acai Berry and feel the difference.

This is only one super food, there are many others with anti aging qualities that you'll want to learn about.

Adam Tijerina offers all natural anti aging solutions. If you're worried about what chemicals you're putting on your face with the latest anti wrinkle creams then check out for a healthy alternative.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ways to Incorporate Essential Oils into Home & Daily Use

There are numerous ways in which essential oils can be used. I will outline some of the easiest and most effective techniques, but I urge you to be creative and fill your home with essential oils.


Essential oils are simple to use in the bath. Just fill the bath and scatter about six drops of your chosen undiluted oil into the water, agitating it thoroughly. Do not add the essential oil until you have run the bath completely, otherwise the oil will evaporate with the heat of the water and the therapeutic properties will be lost before you climb in! Always disperse the oil - if you inadvertently sit down on neat essential oil of, say, tangerine you will jump up again very quickly! Shut the door to keep the precious aromas in and stay in the bath for at least fifteen minutes to allow the oil to penetrate deeply into your body tissues.

If you desire, you may blend your six drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil. This is particularly beneficial for those with dry skin, although carrier oils can leave a greasy ring around the bath. However, special, unscented bath oils, which contain natural dispersing agents, can be purchased. These leave the skin feeling soft but not greasy. Choose any vegetable oil such as sweet almond, wheatgerm, avocado or jojoba. You could mix up enough oil for several baths. Your skin will feel soft, nourished and supple.


Nowadays some people have their own Jacuzzi or hydrotherapy bath. USe the same number of drops as you would in a normal bath, although if it is a large hydrotherapy bath designed for two or three persons then ten drops may be added. Sprinkle in your essential oils after the bath has been filled.


Footbaths and handbaths are highly beneficial in situations where it is impractical to enjoy a full aromatherapy bath perhaps if you are elderly or have a disability. Footbaths, in particular, are incredibly relaxing at the end of a long, hard day. They are excellent for foot conditions such as athlete's foot and pain and swelling in the feet. Handbaths help to relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of arthritis.

Add six drops of essential oil to a bowl of hand-hot water just before you immerse your feet or hands and soak for about ten to fifteen minutes.


A sitz bath is invaluable in cases of cystitis, haemorrhoids, vaginal discharge, stitches after childbirth, and so on. Sprinkle about four to six drops of pure essential oil into a bowl of hand-hot water and sit in the bowl for about ten minutes. If you are fortunate enough to have a bidet then use the same number of drops. Ensure that the essential oil and water are thoroughly mixed.


Compresses can be used for a variety of disorders such as muscular aches and pains, bruises, rheumatic and arthritic pain, headaches and sprains.

You may apply compresses either hot or cold. Alternate hot and cold compresses are invaluable for treating sprains. As a general rule, where there is a fever, acute pain or hot swellings use a cold compress. When treating chronic (long-term) pain use a hot compress.

To make a compress, mix approximately six drops of essential oil into a small bowl of water. Soak any piece of absorbent material such as a flannel, piece of sheeting or towelling in the solution ensuring that as much essential oil as possible is absorbed by your fabric. Squeeze out the compress so it does not drip everywhere and apply to the affected area. Wrap cling film around it or secure with a bandage. Leave for about two hours or even overnight. Where there is a fever replace with a new compress when necessary.


Gargles are particularly beneficial for sore throats, respiratory problems and loss of voice. After dental surgery gargling can help to relieve pains and inflammation, reduce blood flow and speed up the healing process. Gargle twice daily, although if the problem is acute then you can gargle every two hours.

Put two drops of essential oil into half a glass of water. Stir well, gargle and spit it out. Do not swallow. Stir again and repeat. Antiseptic oils such as tea tree, sage, lemon and thyme are excellent for treating sore throats. Roman chamomile, geranium and sandalwood will also soothe inflammation. Myrrh and tea tree combined are invaluable for treating mouth ulcers.


Inhalation of essential oils works upon the body, mind and spirit.

On a physical level there is a strong action on the mucous membranes of the nose, the lungs and the respiratory system in general. Conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, sinusitis and sore throats can all benefit enormously.

The inhalation of essential oils has a profound effect on the nervous system helping to relieve insomnia, anxiety and stress-related disorders, and lifting depression and negativity.


Add two to four drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl inhaling deeply for one to five minutes. Keep your eyes closed to avoid irritation. If an asthmatic uses this method then just one drop is adequate. Take care with the hot water if there are small children around.


Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on to a handkerchief, paper towel or tissue and take a few deep breaths. This method is particularly effective for relieving nasal congestion and also for stopping panic attacks. Place the handkerchief in your pocket and you can continue to inhale the aroma throughout the day.


A room spray is a excellent way of purifying the atmosphere. Add 250 ml of water to a plant spray and add 15-20 drops of essential oil. Shake the bottle well and spray the room. You can even spray carpets and curtains. Do not spray on to polished surfaces.

Sprays can also be used to relieve irritation and pain as in chicken-pox, shingles, burns and any infectious skin diseases.


Electric vaporisers are sometimes used in clinics and hospital settings since they are considered to be safe. Electric diffusers, which do not use heat, are also becoming popular. However, both vaporisers and diffusers particularly can be rather expensive.

Therefore, for home use, I recommend a clay vaporiser heated by a night light. These are readily available. Put a few teaspoons of water into the loose bowl on top and sprinkle two to six drops of essential oil into it. Light the night light and the oil will diffuse into the air.


Place a few drops of essential oil on to a pillow or your nightwear for relief from insomnia and to encourage easier and deeper breathing. If desired, you could put the drops on to a piece of cotton wool and place it inside the pillow case.


Two drops of essential oil can be sprinkled on to a ceramic or metal ring which fits on to a light bulb. Only apply your oils when the lamp is off and the ring is cool ensuring that you do not get any oil on the light bulb itself or on the fitting, as essential oils are inflammable.


Two to six drops of essential oil can be placed into a ceramic container which fits on to a radiator by means of a magnet.

Alternatively, moisten a cotton-wool ball slightly with water, sprinkle the drops of essential oil on to the ball and place it on t he radiator, or even lodge it by the pipe to avoid staining the paint surface. The heat from the radiator will evaporate the essential oil into the room.


Put one drop of essential oil on each log before lighting the fire. As the logs heat up, the aroma will be released into the room. Cypress, sandalwood and cedarwood are particularly effective.


Massage even without essential oils is a powerful therapy. The combination of pure essential oils and massage is even more potent. Massage is one of the most effective and beneficial treatment techniques. Essential oil constituents pass through the skin and they are taken into the bloodstream and can be carried to all the cells of the body.

Essential oils are not usually applied in an undiluted form to the skin except for emergencies such as burns, cuts or a sting. They must be blended with a suitable carrier oil in the appropriate dilution. When blending essential oil with a base oil, the essential oil content is usually between 1 per cent and 3 per cent. A massage takes between 10 ml and 20 ml of oil. Since a teaspoon holds approximately 5 ml, a treatment will require only two to four teaspoons of base oil. The following guidelines should help you:

- 3 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of carrier oil

- 4-5 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of carrier oil

- 6 drops of essential oil to 20 ml of carrier oil

- 15 drops of essential oil to 50 ml of carrier oil

- 30 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of carrier oil

Remember that if you are mixing up a large quantity (e.g. 100 ml) for daily use, then ensure that you add a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil to prolong the life of your blend.


Add one to two drops of essential oil to the warm wax of a candle, taking care to avoid the wick since essential oils are flammable.


Sometimes you may prefer to apply a cream to a particular area of the body rather than an oil. It is possible to create some wonderful moisturizers for the face, and they make lovely presents. You can also blend your own hand creams and foot creams to alleviate cracked and chapped skin, redness and irritation, infections, chilblains, and so forth. Some aromatherapy suppliers produce a cream without essential oils to which you can add your own. Ensure that it is non-mineral based, organic and lanolin-free for optimum results.

For more information on aromatherapy, essential oils, sensual oil blends, essential oil recipes.... please visit

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A Short Term Buy: Air T Incorporated

As the holiday season approaches with the price of crude oil remaining relatively low juxtaposed to prices reported last year, such may be a good opportunity to purchase shares of transportation companies in attempt to gain some extra profit from the unexpected support of this dependent commodity. While I am typically not in favor of purchasing any shares in industries where too much is holding on dependent factors, in the case for Air T Incorporated (AIRT), I believe there is a chance to accumulate a nice sum of capital gains come spring time.

As I mention this small cap stock, you may be wondering why I am not picking a well known company situated in the same sector, air and freight services, such as FedEx or UPS. While both of these companies are excellent in terms of what they do, more than likely, individuals are going to view these stocks more as long term investments rather than a short speculating session. Such can be a positive indication as what does interest me of Air T in relation to the other two giant firms is their relative P/E ratio. While FedEx and UPS have posted pretty solid numbers in the 10-20 range, what I notice about Air T is its ratio currently of 9.41. For a company in such an industry, such a price is relatively low to its competitors and might signal a strong boost in terms of its share price in the near future. Come early 2007 when Air T announces its earning results coupled with a possibly strong holiday sending session, you should see the share price of Air T, which already is near its 52 week low, prop up to amazing levels. While the same logic can be said about FedEx or UPS as they all utilize the same procedures to obtain profit, because Air T is near such a low but still remains to keep a strong P/E ratio, I believe this company has reached its support level and has no other option but go up in terms of share price.

When looking at more concrete information, Air T has done pretty solid when it has come to fundamentals. It?s true that operating income has not increased from year to year at a rate favorable to many investors, but nevertheless, revenue growth still has been strong which supports the strong earnings, and liabilities have been decreasing at a rate faster than the more valuable total assets. Trend wise, Air T has remained relatively flat for the previous few years. Nonetheless, my suggestion for purchasing shares of this stock remains as a short term investment (until a good few day rally), as I do not believe this stock will remain as productive when oil prices return to their respective highs. In the short term however, because this stock is a small cap equity with low volume and because this stock has a history of being volatile in many situations, I would encourage purchasing shares now to take advantage of the low commodity prices and the holiday shopping season. Both of these factors will have tremendous benefits to not only the fundamentals of this company but to its relative share price value as well.

Therefore, while a better long term investment may rest with companies such as FedEx or UPS due to their relative stronghold and stability, if you, as an investor, are looking for a short term purchase with a high risk but higher reward, look no further than purchasing Air T. With a strong P/E ratio along with fairly positive economic and seasonal indicators, at such a price, regardless if the company will buy back its stock or not, this stock will be enticing for any investor to stimulate his or her capital gains to the upside.

Dennis Biray presents advice on all kinds of topics ranging from finance and investing to fitness to sports. For more information email him at, or to view other articles written by him visit

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Affiliate Tip - Incorporate Your Business

It's time to make your business a business. If you've been using your social security number when you join affiliate programs and conduct other business, you may want to rethink things.

As your business grows, there are a number of reasons why you might want to incorporate.

Reasons to incorporate your business include people taking you seriously. When you add "Inc." to your company name, it makes your business appear bigger and more established than somebody working solo in their home office.

Also, there can be tax benefits when you incorporate a business, as well as some liability protection. Check in with your lawyer and accountant (they are also key for a growing business to be sure you are doing things correctly).

If you are aiming to convey that your business is a real workplace, you'll want to get a business phone line. Do you want potential business partners hearing the cute outgoing message on your regular home phone?

If the cost of a second phone line is cost prohibitive, have a look at VoIP (Voice-Over-Internet Protocol). VoIP is a technology that enables you to make phone calls through a broadband Internet connection rather than a regular phone line. This way you can save on monthly service fees and call charges.

Another step to consider to enhance your image as a real business is to have your domains registered and you business mail directed to a P.O. Box or a mailbox at the UPS Store.

Not only does this give a more professional impression, but it enables you to maintain privacy by not sharing your home address so openly.

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China MP4 player manufacturers and suppliers incorporate cutting-edge technology

It came to my attention a few days ago that the on-line media company Global Sources now features hundreds of suppliers and manufacturers of MP4 players on its website.

For importers of MP4 players and other China electronics, this is exciting news. It means that now there is a single site you can conveniently access to find the latest MP4 players. Whether you're looking for the most stylish MP4 products available or for the most technologically advanced MP4 players, you will find them at the Global Sources site.

Even more important, if you're a volume buyer, you no longer have to perform extensive searches to find an export supplier of MP4 player manufacturers and suppliers. All the latest products are readily available at this "MP4 Online Manufacturer Directory" provided by the Global Sources organization.

Buyers interested in reviewing the list of MP4 players products offered by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other Asian manufacturers should visit the online export directory at The directory includes thousands of digital MP4 players and other wholesale items.

Global Sources operates one of the world's leading trade sites, connecting volume buyers with quality suppliers from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and throughout Asia. It provides sourcing information to volume buyers and integrated marketing services to suppliers.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why Incorporate

Business is a risky nature. It is also said the higher the risk, the greater the benefit. Discretion is the better part of the valor, as the potential downfall might lead to complete financial failure and recovering could be a mammoth task. It is important to know how much money you should risk, and incorporating a business venture reduces the risk and the personal liability.

There are many advantages to incorporating a business. They are personal liability, tax advantages, anonymity, perpetuity, easier access to capital and transfer of ownership. A Corporation is made up of a group of persons called shareholders. Each has limited investment in the venture. The benefits they accrue is in the form of salaries if they are employees, as well as dividends and capital appreciation if the shares are listed. If the business incurs any loss, the shareholders are liable only for their investments. Their personal assets are protected.

Corporations enjoy many tax advantages when compared to proprietorship and partnership. Many expenses like rents, insurance plans and retirement plans can be claimed for deductions. In proprietorship and partnership, debt is the only way to raise capital. This comes at a higher interest due to unlimited liability. But corporations can raise capital by selling shares and can borrow money from institutions because of the credibility. As ownership is held in the form of shares, it is easy to transfer ownership by selling the shares. Corporations exist on their own by their legal entity status. This makes the corporation live longer and provides the founders anonymity as they are separate from the corporation.

It is important to note that incorporating a business allows for public scrutiny, and the founders have a responsibility to society to file returns properly and follow laws set by the state. It is important to understand that incorporated business is not their alter ego, but a separate legal entity.

Incorporate provides detailed information on Incorporate, Why Incorporate, Incorporate Business, Incorporate Llc and more. Incorporate is affliated with Business Incorporation Services.

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Incorporate Online

Businesses can be incorporated online. Incorporation can be done filing papers and handing over the forms to the office of the Secretary of State where they will be incorporated. It can be done by the applicant or by a lawyer. If you chose to do it yourself, online medium offer a fairly easy way. There are intermediaries who will do if for you, but you must keep in mind that they are just service providers and don?t offer any legal advice.

There are many of service providers on the Internet who provide incorporation services. The services include filing the papers, providing registered agents for those states where the business is to be incorporated, name checking and final delivery of the documents. The charges include state filing fees that vary from state to state and service and shipping charges. If the incorporation process has to be expedited, the charges are usually higher.

Before filing online, you have to do a lot of homework either by yourself or with the counsel of a lawyer. This includes deciding on the type of corporation -- the most important part of the incorporation process because a wrong choice could lead to business losses. Secondly, you have to decide the states in which to incorporate.

To file, an online form has to be filled out, and once the ?submit? button is pressed, the online registration is over. A form may have to be filled in again, if the name chosen for incorporation is not available. Many online services act as registered agents in different states. Usually the fees are paid by credit cards. The number of days to process the application varies from state to state. The fees vary from $89-$329, plus state fees. Some online service providers offer value added services like compliance services and international services.

Incorporate provides detailed information on Incorporate, Why Incorporate, Incorporate Business, Incorporate Llc and more. Incorporate is affliated with Business Incorporation Services.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jazz Wear Incorporates Trends into Functional and Practical Dance Wear

Jazz wear has begun to take on a ?less is more? type of trend. Full-length jazz pants and even capri pants are not as ?in? as they used to be. ?Booty shorts?, or ?hot pants? as some may call them, are taking over in the world of jazz. It only makes sense to wear less clothing while dancing and getting sweaty. Dancers everywhere are wearing these short, tight shorts and pairing them with tops that are just as fitted.

Halter Tops
Halter tops have become very big in jazz wear. They are cute and stylish and also very good for bustline support. To make these tops even more stylish, rouching has become very popular on dance tops. All of the rouching and halter tops are beginning to make jazz wear look more like normal, everyday clothing. This season, the popular color for tops is blue. It is a beautiful color that everyone can pull off and will be seen more in the dance studios this fall.

Crystals are also a very big trend right now in jazz wear. There may be a few crystals spread out across a top or made to spell out dance. Crystals have even been done across the back of shorts or pants to spell out dance or other catchy, dance related words. Even ?booty shorts? are being detailed with crystals along the sides or across the top.

Lyrical Shoes Lately, lyrical shoes have become quite popular in the jazz dance circle. Many new styles have been created to give an even better illusion that the dancer is not wearing any shoes. These shoes are also becoming more comfortable for dancers and manufacturers are making them easier to stay on the feet. Though these shoes are not technically jazz shoes, dancers are still wearing them for jazz classes and sometimes even performances.

It is obvious that jazz wear has evolved into minimal coverage. Between the ?booty shorts?, fitted shirts, and lyrical shoes that make a dancer look barefoot, jazz dancers are showing more skin than ever before. The evolving trend to find comfort and style in today?s jazz wear while decreasing body coverage is definitely an interesting fashion movement to watch in the future.

Amber Heil has worked at Pampos Dance & Swim for over 4 years and has been a manager for over 3 years. With 16 years of ballet training, Heil is knowledgeable in other areas of ballet such as forecasting trends in ballet wear and how to find the right ballet shoe. She is currently studying marketing at Louisiana State University (LSU) and will graduate in December 2006.

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Incorporate LLC

LLC (limited liability company) provides the benefits of liability protection and pass through taxation features of sole proprietorship or partnership. Many small business owners prefer this form of corporation as it provides greater flexibility in management. The general characteristics of LLC?s are limited duration of existence, no double taxation and member or owner managed business.

LLC?s can be incorporated by filing with the state authorities. The general procedure is that of incorporating a corporation. The advantages over a corporation are that there is no need to get the consent of shareholders, no need to issue shares and no need for the board of directors. When selecting the name of the business, it should end with LLC. Since the existence of LLC is limited, the duration has to be mentioned. Since LLC?s are run by member-owners, they have their own operating agreement. Once these are decided, the LLC can be incorporated by filing with the state authorities.

LLC?s have to comply with state laws and regulations. The tax on LLC is passed on to the members. A Federal Employer Identification Number(EIN) has to be obtained by filing Form SS-4 under IRS, if there is an intent to employ people. There is no need to obtain federal licenses except for certain businesses. Also a sales tax permit must be obtained. To incorporate LLC, one can get the help of a lawyer or an intermediary agency to help file or do it by themselves. Because the LLC lets the income flow through the owner, it doesn?t mean that the owner can siphon money to their account. If the state finds this out, the owner will be held personally liable. Running a business is important and equally important is the choice of business structure and the incorporation of it. Hence, it is advised to get counsel from a lawyer before incorporating.

Why Incorporate provides detailed information on Incorporate, Why Incorporate, Incorporate Business, Incorporate Llc and more. Why Incorporate is affiliated with Business Incorporation Services.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Incorporate Church

A non-profit association is an incorporated association run with the primary purpose other than to make profit. The not-for-profit associations fall into three categories. Educational institutions and charitable associations for public benefit, trusts for the mutual benefit of the members and religious establishments like churches, religious beneficial programs and religious education. Churches are theological institutions with Jesus Christ as the head. Churches exist for the worship of God. Other activities include proselytizing, i.e. spreading the word of God to others and other charitable works. Churches have many denominations like Catholics, Protestants, etc.

By the definition of corporation as a legal entity, churches can also be incorporated. The advantages to incorporate a church are tax exemption status under IRS code section 501(c) (3); thus, the donations and property transferal are exempted. Also, the limited liability clause protects the officers, in this case, the priests and other members of the church committee. Other fringe benefits include lower postal rates on bulk mail and the options for employees to join federal subsidized job training and work study programs.

The church can be incorporated by filing the articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State. Most states require at least three directors. Some allow less than three when there are less than three members, and other states require only one director. To claim tax exemption, IRS form 1023 must be filed within 15 months from the date of filing the articles of incorporation.

Since churches are concerned with theological issues, the fact that the incorporated church is a creation of the state immediately clashes with the theological proposition that God is the head of the church. Hence, many people are against the incorporation of church. Since the independence of the United States, incorporation of churches has always been contentious. In fact in 1811, President Madison vetoed a bill to incorporate churches. Since then, the state of Virginia doesn?t allow churches to be incorporated.

Why Incorporate provides detailed information on Incorporate, Why Incorporate, Incorporate Business, Incorporate Llc and more. Why Incorporate is affiliated with Business Incorporation Services.

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Product Creation - How to Incorporate Articles Into Your Product Creation Cycle

I am going to chat briefly here about some product creation ideas. This is not going to be one, two, three, and if you are looking for step by step, this is the wrong article for you. I have written plenty of others that do that well.

This is more like advanced brainstorming. Read this and if you take out just one good idea that you can use, you are ahead.

So, you have perhaps been working on, thinking about, creating your own product. You have a little bit of an outline, but are stuck.

Maybe you have written a few articles. But they are hard to crank out. You have a hard time thinking about how they should be organized.

Let me tell you from experience, that as you write more articles, as you write more books, you will get better at organizing things, you will get better at just letting the ideas in your head flow out. You will also start typing faster. Three months ago I typed at about 25 words per minute. Now I am at 50 words per minute. That makes a huge difference.

Then, I had to think about an article before I wrote it. I mean, really think. Now, I pick a topic, introduce it, generally list a few points that teaches about my topic, then wrap the article up with a challenge.

So think about this, if writing articles makes you a better writer, and being a better writer would give you more flexibility in creating your own product, what do you see here?

I say write more.

Write lots of articles. Keep a copy of them.

When you are looking for good content for your book, go looking through your articles.

When you need content for an email, go looking through your articles.

Use articles as the backbone of your product creation process.

As you write articles, you will become a better writer and that will show in your product creation.

By the way, think you cannot write a 50,000 page book?

Write 100 articles and you have between 40,000 and 50,000 words. What is the difference? What if you spent one whole day outlining your book so that you had 10 chapters with 10 subtopics each? Then wrote 500 words on each topic, article style?

What if you wrote 10 of those sections everyday and submitted 3 of them to some article directories, and included in your bio that this article is an excerpt from your upcoming book? And then have them opt in to your announcement list? When you have 100 people on your announcement list, you will be real anxious to get the book finished.

Do something. Write something today.

Download my new report on article marketing: Secrets of Article Promotion

Then, download my new, free traffic report: Triple Your Traffic Fast!

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has created over 260 articles in print and 7 published ebooks online.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

How To Become Incorporated

Before starting the process of incorporating your business, you need to decide whether incorporation is right for you and your business.

The main benefit of becoming incorporated is the limited liability status that incorporation affords the company?s owners. Personal liability of the owners is restricted to their capital invested. The primary disadvantages of incorporation are double taxation and the additional burden of statutory controls and record keeping. Double taxation relates to the taxation of the corporation?s profits and the taxation of the dividends from the net profits. It may be possible to avoid the double taxation through filing to the IRS to become an S-Corporation (professional taxation advice should be sought on these matters).

Once it is decided that becoming incorporated is the right course of action for your business you need to decide on a company name and in which state to incorporate.

Name availability can be checked with the secretary of state for your chosen state of incorporation. At the same time you should also do a trademark check, this can be done at the US trademark website.

If you business is small and only likely to trade in your own state of residence then your own state is likely to be the one most suitable for incorporating in for your business. If you are likely to trade across states, and you are confident of significant growth, then a state such as Delaware or Nevada may be appropriate as they offer favourable trading conditions, although your set up costs and ongoing costs will be higher.

Once you have your name chosen and a state of incorporation decided on you are ready to prepare your incorporation documents. The documents will include:

- Certificate of Incorporation / Articles of Incorporation
- Bylaws for your Company
- Resolutions of the Board of Directors
- Stockholder Resolutions
- Stock Ledger
- Stock Certificates

With the introduction of the latest Corporation Act, the incorporation process has become less complex, and as such there are now many companies on the internet who will assist you to incorporate, and with simple incorporations being performed online. It is always advisable to seek professional legal and taxation advice though in advance of incorporation.

Once the certificate of incorporation and associated documents are filed with the secretary of state in your chosen state of incorporation your corporation becomes official.

Stock certificates should be issued to shareholders in compliance with securities laws and all corporate actions and meetings minutes should be recorded in your official Corporate Minute Book. You will also need to elect and record officers and directors of the corporation, the number of directors will depend on your local state law.

You will also need to contact the IRS and obtain your state and federal tax ID numbers, the federal forms you need can be obtained from the IRS website.

You should also decide whether or not filing for S-Corporation status with the IRS is appropriate for your business, as a small company the benefits of avoiding double taxation may be worthwhile. After becoming incorporated your will need to open a corporate bank account and ensure you have appropriate accounting systems and records in place to meet statutory requirements. If your newly formed corporation is a new business you should check with the local authorities to see if there any special licences required for your type of business to trade.

If you have to hire staff, you should have formal contracts of employment in place stating the terms and conditions of employment, and where necessary have confidentiality agreements in place.

Richard Taylor MBA is a Chartered Management Accountant and Corporated Director with a specific interest in small business start ups and How To Become Incorporated

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Friday, February 8, 2008

So How Do You Incorporate A Small Business Easily And Quickly?

There are many people who claim that you should go ahead and register a corporation in a more business-favorable state, such as Delaware or Nevada, two of the current favorites. In many cases, this is not true - you're much better off registering your corporation in the state where you conduct most of your business. After all, you will have to qualify for doing business in your own state and city, anyway. You will also have to pay income taxes in your own state. It's true that sometimes there are corporate laws in those countries that are more flexible, but these benefit mostly large, publicly owned corporations and not the small privately-help corporations most small business owners intend to have.

Incorporating is an easy and fast process as long as %100 of the company shares will be help by you, your family and your partners. Things get a little more complicated when parts of the company are sold to the public. In most of the small business cases, this is not the case. So if you form a simple corporations, all you need can be done in a few hours.

Here are the steps for legally forming a corporation (in general):

1st step - Check with your state's corporate filing office, as well as with the federal and state trademark registers - to be sure the name you want to use is available.

2nd step - Fill in blanks in a preprinted form (available from commercial publishers or your state's corporate filing office). You will state the purpose of your operation, the place of business, and the number and type of stocks.

3rd step - You need to pay a registration fee of $200-$1000, depending on the state.

4th step - you will need to complete Corporate Bylaws. They will outline a few corporate housekeeping details such as when an annual shareholders meeting will be held, who can vote and how the shareholders will be notified if a special meeting will be held.

If you're not selling any stocks to the public, conducting corporate business is very simple. You will basically need to record key corporate decisions, such as taking a loan, or buying property such as real-estate. You will also need to hold an annual meeting.

There are many self-help book out there that make it very simple to incorporate your business in your state without getting a lawyer. These books will also teach you to run your corporation smoothly.

Visit from Jane Ling, For how to incorporate, incorporate business and more information about business forming.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How To Incorporate

 Hard work, a good business acumen to spot opportunities and a little bit of luck are the key ingredients for success in business. Equally, there are many factors for failure that are out of one?s control. Business structure determines the level of risk one is exposed to and is the ultimate facture for the failure of the business. One can choose to be a sole proprietor, partner with others, form a limited liability company or a corporation. The first two need not be registered with the state. The procedure to incorporate a business requires certain steps. One has to decide the type of corporation, name of the corporation, state of incorporation and the filing of the papers.

As the corporation is a separate legal entity, the identification has to be unique. It is essential to check with the authorities as to whether the name for the business already exists. If it exists, some other name has to be chosen. Some names can be appended with the name of the business like XYZ bank. The type of corporation is decided by determining whether or not one has to raise capital through the public, the duration of the corporation, the management structure and control and the type of corporation like LLC or corporation. There is a S form of corporation that has a special tax structure so that double taxation of the income is avoided.

The procedure for filing papers for all types of corporation remains the same. By law, it is required to register the corporation in the state the business is operating. It is also possible to incorporate in one state where the tax structure and other conditions are favorable and operate in another state. For this, the corporation should designate a registered agent with a physical address in the state. This is done to facilitate communication between authorities and the corporation.

Finally ,the incorporation is done by filing papers that contains details about the business along with the registration fees. Usually registration is about $400. It takes some time to complete the process. and if one needs to expedite, an additional fee is required.
Incorporate provides detailed information on Incorporate, Why Incorporate, Incorporate Business, Incorporate Llc and more. Incorporate is affliated with Business Incorporation Services.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What is the Best Location to Incorporate?

Okay, you have made the decision to go ahead and incorporate to protect yourself. The next question is where is the best place to do so?

What is the Best Location to Incorporate?

One of the most misunderstood elements of business law is jurisdiction. Jurisdiction simply refers to the issue of what laws control particular situation. Actually, a better way to put it is whose laws control? In many business law niches, state laws are the guiding light, not federal law. The formation of business entities is one such place.

So, what location should you pick? In most situations, it is the state you will be conducting the business in. Remember, state law is controlling here. Nearly all states view businesses being run within their borders as falling under their jurisdiction. This means you are required to comply with the laws of the state. You are also required to pay taxes and fees the state requires for the running of your business.

Ah, but what about Nevada? For those new to the process, Nevada is touted as a great place to form your business entity. The state has very minor taxes, so many trump it as the best state to incorporate. There is, however, one problem. If you incorporate in Nevada, but run your business out of an office in your state, you are almost always violating the laws of your state. When tax agencies and regulatory groups look at business entities, the state of incorporation is not the issue. Instead, the issue is where is the business actually being conducted. If you incorporate your business in Nevada, but run it out of Los Angeles, you could be in big trouble. California will eventually figure it out. When they do, you will be penalized and assessed back taxes. It is an ugly situation.

There is one way around this situation. It involves a double incorporation strategy. Essentially, you incorporate one business in Nevada and one in your state. The Nevada entity runs the basic business. The entity in your state then manages the Nevada entity for a fee. This may sound great at first glance, but it is an expensive option. Make sure you talk with an attorney before going down this road.

If you are incorporating on your own, you should probably stick with the state you will be running the business out of. If you have other ideas, make sure to sit down with a lawyer or accountant to discuss your plan.

Gerard Simington is with - an online attorney directory.

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Incorporate A Small Business

TAXES: Incorporate and keep some of your Home Business Earnings. If you aren't incorporated you can only write off your expenses to the level of your personal marginal tax rate. If incorporated there is a large list of expenses which can be written off at 100%. Why use a Nevada Incorporation Service? WYOMING is a better choice. You can use online incorporation services and it's easier than incorporating Nevada. Delaware incorporating is 'Old Hat' for the 'Big Cats'. Florida business incorporation has nothing to compare with Wyoming.

THERE ARE NO STATE TAXES IN WYOMING ON CORPORATIONS. If you choose to incorporate in Wyoming your company may not pay State taxes at all. Stop for a minute and think what you paid last year in your States income tax. If you are comparing NEVADA and Wyoming, keep in mind that the NEVADA State Legislature, very recently, almost passed a tax on corporations. Don't gamble that this will not happen. Wyoming never has and never will have a state income tax on corporations. Wyoming has a budget surplus.

NEWS FLASH: LOSS OF PRIVACY IN NEVADA CORPORATIONS. As of June 1, 2005 NEVADA requires the Social Security number, date of birth, resident addresses, and telephone numbers of all shareholders, partners, officers, managers and members of all companies formed in the state. Read on and see why this needn't be an issue.

PRIVACY - Wyoming allows: Bearer Shares, Nominee Officers and Lifetime Proxies. Attorneys and Accountants are often asked to provide an anonymous 'company cover' for their clients, for added privacy. To do this you need to have possession of the 'bearer share' stock certificate and appoint nominee officers and/or directors for the company. This can be arranged in Wyoming. NEVADA does not have them.

STATE FEES: Wyoming initial state fees are 75% less than NEVADA's, after you include the 'HIDDEN' officer filing fees of $125, that they bill you for after you start your company and ADD the new $100 PER YEAR business license fee that they bill you after you start your company, NEVADA has one of the highest initial incorporation fees in the nation! Wyoming does not require a state business license and does not charge an officer filing fee. Wyoming's second year fee is one of the lowest in the nation at $50. All this means a quality company package in Wyoming is much less expensive overall than in NEVADA. And the subsequent years state fee will be over 77% less every year in Wyoming!

ASSET PROTECTION: A Wyoming corporation or LLC offers its officers and directors a higher degree of protection from lawsuits filed by disgruntled creditors or over zealous plaintiff attorneys. Doing business as a Wyoming Corporation or LLC can give you greater asset protection and business privacy. The more information about you that appears in the public record the easier it is for you to become a target. It's not pleasant to be targeted in our litigious society by Attorneys seeking a 'Deep Pockets' Straw Man. The assumption is that an out of court settlement is cheaper than court. Wyoming will ask only for a simple 'Annual Report' which requires disclosure of only those assets located within the state of Wyoming and the name of one person, usually the one who submits the report.

The first LLC statutes in the United States were instituted in Wyoming in 1977. Wyoming has had limited liability companies available longer than any other state and has strong laws protecting the members and managers of an LLC and also the officers and directors of C corporations.

So, Wyoming HAS: *No State Income Taxes *Privacy allowed *Shareholders are not listed with the state *Best Asset Protection Laws *Bearer Shares are allowed *Nominee officers are legal *Citizenship not required *State tax not being considered *Wyoming draws little attention *No NEVADA 'Stigma' *Lower Startup Costs

Wyoming doesn't have:

*Personal income tax *Corporate income tax *Inventory tax *Gross receipts tax *Franchise tax *Burdensome regulations *Disclosure of shareholders *Business or 'per-capita' tax *Excise tax *Sales, property and inheritance taxes are among the lowest in America

Some Other Advantages:

*Most states limit the number of shares that you are authorized to issue; in Wyoming you can issue as many shares as you wish (without any additional costs or fees) by simply making the proper entries in your Articles of Incorporation. If you intend to eventually take your company public, unlimited shares will be of great importance to you.

*Some states require that you have more than one person to serve as the various officers and directors of your corporation. In Wyoming you can be all Officers & Directors yourself. This can allow you great flexibility and control over your Corporation.

*An astonishing level of anonymity can be yours. The suggestion is NOT that you need to be 'secretive' and certainly not that you do anything illegal or even improper. Today's state of affairs can lead to your involvement in a lawsuit or litigation for merely appearing to have assets. Some consider you 'Rich' if you have money left after Taxes. This perception of 'wealth' alone can make you a target. Wyoming allows you to use 'nominee officers/directors', meaning that anyone you choose can appear on the public record in your place offering you great financial privacy. You may also use nominee or 'third party' shareholders who can be the owners of record of the stock which you control. This type of service is available on a Fee Schedule depending on the level of service required by the Client. As an officer or director you cannot be held responsible for the debts of the corporation - Wyoming law is quite strong in this respect and holds generally that as long as you did not intentionally break the law you are protected from claims against the corporation.

*Minimum Red Tape: Low annual fees - The annual fees In Wyoming are based solely on the value of corporate assets located within the state. The minimum is $50 and a million dollars worth of assets within the state of Wyoming would cost you only $200. That's right, $200 in fees for every million dollars worth of assets that you keep within the state of Wyoming. There are no fees for assets outside of the state. So almost all businesses that are incorporated here only owe a fee to the state of $50.00 per year. Wyoming requires no minimum capitalization. You can fund your corporation with as little as you wish. It is generally a good idea to capitalize at a level that is appropriate with others in your industry or business, especially if you are looking for Joint Ventures. Wyoming does not require that you hold your annual meetings in Wyoming. In fact you never actually have to set foot in the State, although The Tetons and Jackson Hole are places everyone should see. Maui makes for a nice Annual Meeting. Use your imagination.

LIFETIME PROXY: When asked late in life how he accumulated a personal net worth upwards of one billion dollars, John D. Rockefeller reportedly replied that the 'secret' was 'own nothing and control everything'. That is good advice for many reasons (no one can take from you something you don't own) but it is sometimes more easily said than done. By allowing another person or entity to own shares in a corporation, you can use proxies to maintain complete control. The problem is that most state laws require proxies to expire and be subsequently renewed every six or seven years. This could be a problem if the 'Legal Owner' decides not to renew your proxy. Wyoming allows for lifetime proxies thereby protecting you from that development.

One More Feature: If you already have a corporation - Once again Wyoming offers unparalleled flexibility. By filing a few simple forms your existing corporation can become a bona fide Wyoming Corporation. Your existing corporation can retain its original incorporation date after becoming a Wyoming corporation. Anyone examining the Wyoming public record will see a corporation dating back as far as your current corporation does. You can promptly become a Wyoming Corporation without losing the many benefits of the longevity and continuity of operation.
C R Ellsworth is retired from Corporate America and living in the 'Great Northwoods'
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Monday, February 4, 2008

How You Can Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft

To reduce or minimize the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft or fraud, there are some basic steps you can take.

The most important one is to ask periodically for a copy of your credit report. This is crucial because it is the surest and quickest way to determine if someone is using your name. Your credit report should list all bank and financial accounts under your name, and will provide other indications of whether someone has wrongfully opened or used any accounts in your name. Any discrepancies should send up a red flag for you.

Next, be careful about giving out your personal information to others unless you have a reason to trust them. Start by adopting a "need to know" approach to your personal data.

Your credit card company may need to know your mother's maiden name, so that it can verify your identity when you call to inquire about your account, but a person who instead calls you does not need to know that information. Also, limit the personal information you have on your bank checks.

Be suspicious of someone who calls you on the telephone and offers you the chance to receive a credit card, for instance, and asks you for personal information. Request that he send you a written application form. If they refuse, tell them you are not interested and hang up.

If you're traveling, have your mail held at your local post office or ask someone you trust to collect your mail while you are gone.

Do not give out personal information when you are on the telephone in a public place where people can listen in to your conversation.

Check your financial information (credit report) regularly, and look for what should be there and what shouldn't.

And remember to ask periodically for a copy of your credit report.

To obtain the excellent credit report service, avoid becoming a Victim of Identity Theft, get FREE online Credit Report, make your Credit Score higher or correct your credit visit Legalhelper ( ).

Your credit score is important for obtaining credit. Your credit score is important to know, whether you need a new credit card, an auto loan, or a mortgage. Lenders use your credit scores to decide whether you are a good credit risk. If you have a high credit score, you are more likely to obtain the best rates.

Alex Katz - Security Analyst

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Should I Incorporate?

The most common business structures are proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. A proprietorship is simply a one-owner business. It is the most prevalent form (on the order of 70% of all businesses) because it is the simplest and least expensive to start.

A partnership is basically a proprietorship for multiple owners. Most are general partnerships, where each partner is held liable for the acts of the other partners. A limited partnership allows for general and limited partners; limited partners' liability is limited to their contributed capital.

If you choose to go into business with a partner, be sure to prepare a formal, written partnership agreement. This should address the contribution each will make to the partnership, financial and personal; how business profits and losses will be apportioned; the salaries, and financial rights of each partner, and; provisions for changes in ownership, such as a sale, succession, or desire to bring in a new partner.

The corporation is a legal entity, separate from its owners. It is a more secure and better-defined form for prospective lenders/investors. Incorporation is perceived as limiting the owner's liability, but personal guarantees are generally required whenever there is liability exposure.

The traditional form is called the C-Corporation. An S-Corporation is frequently preferable as a start-up form, since the losses expected in the early stages of the business may be applied to the owner's personal tax return. Other forms include the LLC, or Limited Liability Corporation; Trusts, often for a specific time frame or purpose, and; combinations of legal entities such as "CoOps" and joint ventures.

Enlist the legal and tax advice of the professionals as to which form suits your venture best.

Ownership Structure and Capitalization

Once the legal structure is decided upon, issues of distribution of ownership, and distribution of risks and benefits may be addressed. The primary decision to be made is whether the entrepreneur will finance the venture or whether there is a need for other stakeholders, and whether these stakeholders will be investors or lenders or some combination thereof.

Financing our venture by borrowing adds to our fixed costs, but makes no claim beyond the amount of the debt no matter how great our success. Standards for debt financing are generally very difficult for startups to meet; lenders are not generally willing to share the risk with you. If a lender turns you down, ask them for specific reasons. If the reasons cannot be countered with this lender, the insight gained can be used to strengthen the presentation to the next.

The advantage of selling shares of ownership to raise capital, referred to as equity financing, is that the investor is sharing the risks of the venture; this lowers expenses since there is no debt service to be paid. The investor also shares the rewards, however, and the entrepreneur must be careful not to sell the equity too cheaply.

What do we have to offer prospective investors? For most, their primary interest is in a high return on their investment, through dividends and appreciation. There is little appeal to most investors in being a long-term minority owner in a closely-held business, so some way of "cashing out," must be offered, such as a provision for company buy-back or a public offering.

Venture capitalists look for generally larger deals and impressive returns. Many fund projects only in specific industries; some work only from referrals from within their "network." Carol Steinberg, in "Success Selling," puts the odds of receiving venture capital funding in perspective: "Each year a venture capitalist fields 400 to 500 deals, seriously reviews 40 or 50, and funds only 4 or 5."

Less visible as a source of startup capital are individual investors, known as "angels," who typically invest $50,000 to $250,000 in private companies. While we must generally "recruit" such investors ourselves, angels are thought to represent a significant pool of risk capital.

While stakeholders are hard to find at startup, sources of assistance are available. A good starting point is the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Their Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program allows private investment partnerships, or SBICs, to leverage their own capital using SBA guarantees.

John has almost 40 years experience as a management and strategic consultant, entrepreneur, author, and college professor. For 20 of those years, Dr. Vinturella was owner/president of a distribution company that he founded. He is a principal in business opportunity sites and

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