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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Information on Eczema - Incorporate These Superfoods For Glorious Skin Health

The Superfoods you should include in your diet to create beautiful, soft, clear skin are unique. Pick any three. Include them in your diet in the suggested quantities and monitor your eczema skin on a daily basis. Keep a diary, and make daily notes of your thoughts, the difference in your skin and the difference to how you feel. Good luck!

Sprouts: Sprouts are raw, live Superfoods that are easy to grow or can be purchased from any good health store. They are extremely life-enhancing and high energy foods and are excellent for creating an alkaline environment within the body. Sprouts are a complete protein with chelated minerals, vitamins and most importantly active enzymes. These Superfoods will improve, revitalise, regenerate, strengthen and enhance your eczema skin immediately. Popular examples of sprouts are pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, alfalfa and mustard seeds. Include at least two cups of sprouts on a daily basis.

Aloe Vera: Another Superfood which has strong strengthening properties for the skin. It will repair damaged tissue very rapidly and reduce inflammation, both well known conditions of eczema. Aloe is also well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-viral properties. It has been shown to benefit eczema skin as well many other maladies. Aloe can be used both internal and externally. Aloe should be taken twice daily with fruit juice (one tablespoon of Aloe juice added to one glass of orange juice). You can purchase Aloe juice from any good health store.

Flax Seeds: Flax, or linseed as they are sometimes called, are a wonderful body lubricant. They are unique because they contain the world?s richest source of omega 3. Flax has an abundance of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids. Unfortunately the body cannot create these omegas and so they must be taken internally. They speed up healing and the building of brand new tissue ? great for problem skin. Flax seeds heal and repair tissue, reduce inflammation and improve the immune system. Use flax at lease three or four times per week. Buy flax seed from your local health store. You can sprinkle seeds over salads, vegetables or in soups.

Wild Blue-Green Algae: This supplement contains every nutrient known to man and is known for its harmonising properties. It?s a great blood builder and immune system strengthener. Wild Blue-Green Algae is rich in B vitamins which are essential for the health of red blood cells. Algae also contains thousands of liver active enzymes which is very good for absorption. Algae also contains the magic property Chlorophyll. You should increase your intake of Algae each week. You should start with the minimum dosage and increase over a period of weeks. For best long term results increase to one tablespoon per day.

Now you have four Superfoods which will heal eczema very speedily - four Superfoods to choose from. As an aside, I would personally incorporate all four into your daily routine. But my challenge to you was to incorporate any two Superfoods for ten days. Go ahead. I dare you.

Janet R Simpson is a writer and health reporter. Her FREE weekly newsletter gives ?how to? tips to cure your eczema and maintain ultra healthly and beautiful skin using only natural products.

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The Best Anti-Wrinkle Products Must Incorporate Vitamins

Most people think of vitamins as valuable for feeling and remaining healthy. However, you may not be aware that they can also be used to stop aging. Yes, many health experts agree that taking certain vitamins and minerals is just as important as maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime. We are going to discuss what vitamins help stop aging.

Vitamin E is one of the most important ways to combat aging because it is a very powerful antioxidant. This essential nutrient prevents cellular and tissue damage by neutralizing the free radicals in your body that cause them. The vitamin also displays immune-enhancing effects and may prevent cardiovascular disease. In addition, this nutrient aids increases the formation of red blood cells and promotes a healthy circulatory system. It may even protect your skin from the negative effects of air pollution, ultraviolet radiation and sunburns. Increasing your dosage of vitamin E may slow down the aging process.

Vitamin C is another important vitamin that will help you to fight the aging process. This antioxidant protects your body from free radicals, boosts your immune system and produces collagen which holds your cells together. This vitamin is found naturally in many foods such as oranges, broccoli, brussel sprouts, bell peppers and strawberries. It can also be found in many anti-aging creams and lotions. It is the only antioxidant proven to increase the production of collagen ? the skin component that is essential to slowing down the skin?s aging process.

Companies such as Hydroderm are well aware of the beneficial effects of Vitamin C; that is why products such as their Age-Defying Wrinkle Reducer mimic the same collagen producing effects. They have invented a unique ?Collagen Infusion Delivery System? which delivers entire collagen molecules directly to the skin. Researchers are studying the natural healing and anti-aging properties of certain vitamins in an attempt to recreate their positive end results. As a result, many of the today?s best anti wrinkle creams and lotions incorporate the same beneficial effects that vitamins traditionally have on the body.

If you want to slow down the aging process, consider taking vitamin E or C supplements in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. Better yet, purchase one of the many anti-aging products that produce the same beneficial effects as vitamins, but with faster results.

For the best anti wrinkle products, try visiting, a popular website that offers anti-aging tips, advice and resources to include information on anti aging skin care and the best anti aging eye cream sources.

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Organic Substitutes To Be Incorporated Into Our Daily Living

Many studies have certified that organic food is good for health, simply because the food is pure and is non-polluted. Organic certification and classification prohibits many additives such as hydrogenated fats which is the main cause of heart disease and other diseases like cancer, diabetes and obesity. It also prohibits the use of phosphoric acid, which cause osteoporosis. It prohibits animals which have been injected with antibiotics, which causes reduced immunity in humans. Hormones, which are commonly injected into farm animals cause gender confusion, obesity and some cancers in humans. It prohibits the use of pesticides, which are carcinogenic, and genetically modified foods, which can cause autism. It also prevents the use of artificial flavoring, preservatives and coloring, which can cause heart and liver diseases.

Some of the organic substitutes to be incorporated into our daily living are:

  • Brown rice for white rice.
  • Wholemeal flour and unbleached flour for white flour.
  • The organic alternative for sugar is molasses, and they come in many forms of which are organic blackstrap molasses and organic raw honey. Organic blackstrap molasses are extracted from cane sugar. It is rich in iron, calcium and potassium. Organic raw honey is honey, which had minimal processing and contains most of the beneficial ingredients.
  • Organic soymilk for cow milk. Contrary to popular belief, cow?s milk is not ideal for human beings and the organic alternatives are more suitable. Soymilk can reduce bad cholesterol, low in calories, contains soy isoflavones and is a good source of calcium. Another suitable, healthy alternative to cow?s milk is oatmilk. Rich in proteins and amino acids, this milk is also packed with water soluble fibre. Oat contains soy lecithin and omega 3 which are necessary for our brain cells and cell metabolism. Lecithin reduces fat, controls body sugar and regenerates cells.
  • Celtic live sea salt for the common salt or sodium chloride. Celtic live sea salt is processed by natural methods, using the sun and the wind. It contains 84 trace minerals and this method of processing has been in practice for 900 years from France. It can regulate blood pressure and increase the immunity of the body and increase cell regeneration.
  • Organic extra virgin flaxseed oil for normal cooking oil. It contains omega 3, 6 and 9 oils which needs to be consumed from external sources, as the body cannot produce these oils on its own. These oils reduces the rick of heart disease and reduces cholesterol, helps maintain healthy blood circulation, burns excess fat and promotes a smooth and healthy skin complexion.
  • Clinically proven certified 100% organic weight loss product for regular weight loss product.
Organic food is fast becoming the option of the era. More and more people are choosing the organic alternative as a start of a lifestyle change. As diseases are becoming more apparent these days, it would surely be necessary for us to take the precautionary measures for a healthy and fulfilling life ahead - hence, think organic.

A webmaster of Healthy Lifestyle blogzine. This blogzine provides a combination of factors to maintain good health - from eating healthy food to exercising regularly, loosing weight to being smoke-free, getting sufficient sleep to taking time to de-stress. It also features some latest and up to date health news.

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